

Sunday, June 12, 2011

All Things Thlingit

We've created a compendium nano market on all things Thlingit that will forever etch the lore of time.

Our approach to was to hand pick each and every site online, first by seeking authentic Native carver and art work, then tracking down a list of Thlingit web pages.

With our search engine, you will not find totems carved by "Original Indians," from India, as we take a traditional pride in our art work like no other ethnic, with our search engine you will find sites, art and businesses of the Thlingit Nation.

Growing up, I heard Thlingit elders speak of the spelling of the name Thlingit, "Thlingit," is the original spelling and most preferred among the Thlingit elders, though the word Thlingit has been Americanized and it now not only is spelled different it also sounds different verses the traditional pronunciation.

We will be updating our search engine weekly to keep our searches fresh and up to date.

Please enjoy your searches on

Coming soon; "Haida Nation Search Engine."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring 2011

This spring my publisher Michael of Greatland Classic Sales informed me that after nearly two years, "Legends in Wood, Stories of the Totems" is back in print!!! So, it's back to putting on the the marketing cap. I was certainly amazed at the different jobs an author had to make after a publication. I had gone from being a poet to a marketer, & and salesperson.

I had even aquired a tee-shirt that has a picture of the front cover of Legends, with Bold words saying "Ask Me About My New Book."

At this time I'm working on a another book, & will have fun at Potlatches & Totem Pole Raisings this summer for my research & taking lots of pics.

I've also obtained my very first carved mask, delightfully excited about this. The mask is a person with a frog on top; and it's begging to dance in my up and coming book...

more later...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Possibilities

The Possibilities

.......As we send LIGHT

....And the "Story" visualized

.........Becomes Reality

...The New dawn of Peace

..By the Collective Conscience

.........Negotiating Truce,

....Not one over another.

...............Realizing the possibilities


..We are All HIGH CASTE!

.........The growth

..Which occurs

....In Love, & Harmony!

..What changes

.......Need to be in order

..............To switch from a material oriented,

............Money fed


..To the Abundance

.................................Which is Ours?

......Expect it

..............Love, Peace, Health, Abundance

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It Has to be Somethin' Koo, Kinda Krazy.

It Has to be Somethin' Koo, Kinda Krazy.

Paula was an aspiring writer. She had a few little things published, and of course, thirsted for more. For what, she really didn't know. Paula knew for certain that she would write the "Harry Potter" of the Northwest. Her friend Carry said "And we want you to!" There was of course the illusion that she was on unemployment, and there was some sort of Depression going on. It was amusing to her how there was a buzz that this was a Recession. But really, this is the Depression of 2010. It would take a lot to really feel like the depression as it was in 30's. For the difference is in accordance with enlightenment. Just as a piano scale, we start at a low note and progressively go higher, we grow, and learn, and improve until... Bamm we hit a bottom. It was great though on the way up, a little ego building "I can do this, I"ve found my style, I know now what works for me. Wow, it is such a beautiful life, such a 'guru moment.'" Then, numerous challenges arise. And, any one of the infinite negative responses may ensue to where a bottom has been hit, but it is higher than the last "low note." Kinda brings a different meaning to the term "a new low."

We'll this society has done just that, it's raised itself in technology, raised in organizations and funds available, raised in conscienceness to where our fall has left us just a little higher. And so, a generation or so from now will talk of the Depression of 2010, and how we lived in denial and thought it was a recession. We had our cyclic 'Guru Moment,' fell, and am building back up. So, how to get out of this?

The money is out there, it is just the peicing together of words to attract the buyer who will find value in it and enjoy reading it. And what to write about. Paula was sure that if her writing tended toward Jane Austen, there would be someone from the village who would say "Duuu...she's trying to act like a 'White Girl'." Although she started her literary career writing about Native life, non-fiction, did it always have to stay in that vein. It was fun having a variety of Euro blood, it gave a girl a chance to say "Oh my god, my great-grandfather came from England, I wander if our family and Jane Austen's ever met?" There were so many interests pulling at Paula, it was just a matter of deciding which way to go.

The popular message is to "follow your bliss," "do what you love," "let your work be your vacation." Messages like this seems to keep echoing down the ages. But how many actually try it out.

Paula's son Christopher walked in. "How's the job search?" Knowing that when he was doing job searches, he would go in there (the net), made his three searches and get out. But his mother would take hours. She didn't like searching and would start each day with a game of spider solitare, just to relax before diving in you know.

"Terrible!" As she finished putting a few touches on her latest blog. It was suppose to be a scholarly, literature, "gonna be a big writer" blog, but it turned out to be a spot to throw in odds and ends.

"Well... back to the real world!"

She closed down the page, and started on her job search... again.

Monday, July 19, 2010



We send Light to the humankind, the animals, and the earth. So, where does that bring us, what happens. Evolution is chaos.

Crows that find pleasure in walking across the street. Macaws walking on the road, playing chicken with oncoming cars. The flies that adapt at lightning speed, from the fumbling newbie jerkly attempting to move about, to the one that is now dive bombing you, after you had finally successfully "got one" and was just now cleaning it off of the monitor. "You killed my brother!" comes the intensity of the dive bomber.

When the Normandy Rats landed at the shores of Haida Gwaii, did they have any potlatches as the wealth of the land and lack of predators led to an enlarging of this new tribe. As this the wealth of the tribe increased and families increased and spread across the abundant land. The beginning of their myth, coinciding with the take over of the island.

What songs are sung as the termite moves into a house? As the patterns and communications between animals become more noticable, it will take the world by storm. There will be a thesis on the aerial dance of crows flying in from all areas in order to weave in and out, following one way then another, for a near 1/2 hour performance prior to finding their way to their roost. Tiny tracker/microphones will be attached to some, as the amazing discovery of play, songs, conversation and courting are recorded.

The Light is being received!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pride & Prejudice Ch. 1 P. 2

This Truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of one or other of their daughters.

And so it is as each eligible male enters the community, either by birth or relocation, let's not forget the occasional visitor, enters the community, minds are buzzing to establish creative forms of future connections. Neighboring communities and circles kept tabs on eligible matches. Those of High Born had the advantage of an increased sphere.

In any case, Feasts, Festivals, and other forms of Celebrations required, at times, that groups, clans, and or families to travel beyond their well worn paths to join distant relatives, or new acquaintances. A long lost uncle or aunt may show up with a host of cousins, and perhaps an eligible match.

FYI: You've Got Mail,
one of my favorite movies, Meg Ryan's character proclaims, earlier in the relationship, that she had read Pride and Prejudice 200 times. I had figured out that if she had finished the book on a monthly bases, she could arrive at that number in 16 years and 8 months. To which if she started when she was 14 or 15, she would of course be in the over 30 age as she was when she met Tom Hank's character.

It is not known whether she had reached the 200 mark and then stopped, are continued. Although, she does say something to the effect that she is always worried whether Lizzy and Mr Darcy will get together. It is my guess that she continues to read it, and her reading tab on P&P is higher when the movie ends then when it begins. Although, we only see Tom Hank's character read P&P and not Meg's. I would have loved it, if when she came home dejected because she "failed" to met her pen pal, and flopped on the bed and picked up her well worn edition of P&P!!

To read P&P in a month, one may read about a chapter in the morning and in the evening. Of course you would have to read several chapters more in the end of the month February.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pride & Prejudice Ch. 1 P. 1

It is a Truth Universally Acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged" The most beautiful words ever written, it means that my favorite story is about to begin. It is also one of the most quoated 6 words in history. I loveit how Jane Austen made that sentence the first paragraph of her book, as apposed to combining them with the second paragraph (which also happens to be one sentence).

In being a "Truth Universally Acknowledged" this is not just an English story, it is played out throughout the world. Females everywhere are envisioning the new Mr. Right who just moved in as their future hubby, checking out how their name name looks with his last name, etc. I had just finished a Pride and Prejudice fest, and watched almost all of the P&P movie versions, including the Mormon and the Bollywood version. Just thinking of any culture one can imagine this plot being played out.

And so P&P begins. Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley must have led a darling of a life. To be surrounded by a bevy of beauties at every turn, where ever they went. The Mr Bingleys appear to be lovin' life, while the Mr Darcys seem a bit jaded with all of that attention for about a decade. But regardless, surely they must be in "want of a wife!!!"